There Once Were Stars by Melanie McFarlane
There Once Were Stars by Melanie McFarlane

There Once Were Stars by Melanie McFarlane

There she meets Evan, the man from outside. She's assigned a job with the science department due to who her parents were. Where had they come from? Is it safe outside? Nat knows that no one can find out that she saw the men and that she was in the forbidden forest, but she can't help wondering how the men survived. Her parents were famous scientists that died during an expedition to the outside. One is taken into custody but the other escapes the dome's soldiers. They do not have on suits to protect them but are surviving. While in her secret hiding place among trees in a forbidden area on the edge of the dome, she witnesses two men outside the dome.

There Once Were Stars by Melanie McFarlane

But she has no clue what she wants to do. She's just turned 18, which is the age that a person chooses their occupation for the rest of their lives. Show More Here they are safe from the deadly levels of radiation outside. The writer has some chops but she has to push herself if she wants to write original, compelling stories. I am not familiar with this publishing company, but my guess is that this might be a self-published book. What escapes me is why editors don't fix these things before they are published. Overall, I would say this book is plagued by typical first-time author mistakes. There is a reunion in Nat's family that should have had a much bigger scene and its absence misses a chance to really add depth to both the characters and the story. Things fell into place far too easily and the ending is too feel-good and isn't realistic. The last quarter of the book is very predictable and I was disappointed with that. I could not understand why either of the men would find her interesting as she is basically a ticking time bomb.

There Once Were Stars by Melanie McFarlane

While there is a realistic foundation for this in teenage behavior, it becomes very tiresome in this book. She goes from being selfless to selfish in a blink. She also vacillates wildly from trusting each one of them to screaming at them and shoving them away. We hear way too much about our main character's conflicted feelings for two different young men Jak and Evan. The book stumbles in the same way that the Divergent series does. From there, Nat is pulled into a web of intrigue, lies, and a chance to continue her mother's mission - to expose the truth about the leaders of the Dome and what they are doing to maintain control over its denizens. Things become more complicated when the Outsider, Evan, passes her a picture of herself as a young child. To add to the mix, her lifelong best friend, Jak, makes it clear that he wants to be more than friends, a feeling that Nat doesn't know if she returns. Much to her bewilderment, she is assigned to the same science unit her parents were part of in the Axis, the seat of the government. Show More forest, she sees two Outsiders beyond the dome walls and witnesses one of them getting caught.

There Once Were Stars by Melanie McFarlane