It’s palpable from the very beginning, even though it’s subtle. An author has a huge talent when they can describe everything so vividly in such a simple way. I’m writing this while watching a snowdrift outside, and still, I can feel this heat and see those surroundings as if I’m there myself. And yet there is tension like an undercurrent, a feeling of discomfort in the sweltering heat. Jackson, a Koori, swims in rivers and lakes with his friends and cousins, parties, and gets drunk. The writing is simple, and not much is happening it’s just a hot summer in Australia. That’s what happened to me while reading this story. Sometimes a book embraces me entirely and doesn’t let go. Ready When You Are is The Boy from the Mish ! Beautiful in simplicity, pure, and heartwarming! Such a fantastic debut about two First Nation Australian boys! And he must face his darkest secret - a secret he thought he'd locked away for good.

Just like every year, Jackson's Aunty and annoying little cousins visit from the city - but this time a mysterious boy with a troubled past comes with them… As their friendship evolves, Jackson must confront the changing shapes of his relationships with his friends, family and community. It's almost Christmas, school's out, and he's hanging with his mates, teasing the visiting tourists, avoiding the racist boys in town.

It's a hot summer, and life's going all right for Jackson and his family on the Mish. You can help him out,' Aunty Pam says, like I have no say in the matter, like she didn't hear what I just said about not painting so much anymore. Well, I got a boy who needs to do some art. 'I don't paint so much anymore,' I say, looking to my feet. A funny and heart-warming queer Indigenous YA novel, set in a rural Australian community, about seventeen-year-old Jackson finding the courage to explore who he is, even if it scares him.