In this book, Raphael and Cyn are in Colarado when someone takes a sniper shot at Raphael. Cynthia Leighton is no shrinking violet, she knows how to handle herself, and a gun, and she doesn’t hold back from either if she needs to much to Raphael’s consternation….and pride. Cyn stands toe-to-toe with Raphael and comes off well because of it. There is some face melting sex in this novella. Raphael’s PI partner, Cyn, is good by herself and even better with Raphael attached, mmm. Raphael and Cyn are a power couple and they are off the charts sexy. He acts like a powerful vampire should, and he loves like one too. Well, I’m going to start by saying that Raphael is my favourite paranormal character, against some stiff competition but nobody beats this brooding, strong, charismatic Vampire Lord, in my eyes.

I recommend that you start from the beginning, Raphael, if you want a good look at the Vampires in America series. While it could be read as a standalone, not as much enjoyment would come of that. Please note that is a novella (5.5) that forms part of a series.